Health Insurance Plans
Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans

Vidyarthi Mediclaim Policy for Students


Policy Details:
VIDYARTHI - Mediclaim for Students is a unique policy designed to provide Health and Personal accident cover to the students. It also provides for continuation of insured students education in case of death or permanent total disablement of the guardian due to accident.


Policy has three sections as mentioned under -

Section I; covering Hospitalization expenses of students - Sum Insured ranges from Rs.50, 000/- (fifty thousand) to Rs.2, 00,000 (two lacs)
Section II;covering Personal Accident of parents - Sum Insured will be two times of the S.I. under Section I.
Section III;covering Personal Accident of insured students- Sum Insured under this section will be Rs.50, 000/- (fifty thousand).

Students between the age of 3 (three) years to 25 (twenty five) years and one parent/ legal guardian.
Student in any Registered Educational Institution affiliated to any State Board, Council, University and AICTE or any other Govt. Statutory Authority, within the territory of India are eligible for the policy.
The Educational Institutions may also take a Group Policy covering named students enrolled with them.
Group discount applicable only on actual number insured as per policy.
No pre-policy Health Check Up required
Cumulative Bonus: Increase in Sum insured @5% for each claim free year subject to maximum accumulation of 10 (ten) claim free years of insurance.
Additional cover at no extra cost: Transportation cost under Section II & III for insureds dead body (death due to accident only) to the place of residence subject to a maximum of 2% of the Capital Sum Insured or `1,000/- (one thousand) whichever is lower.
Tax Rebate under Section 80D of Income Tax Act 1961 for premium paid


Section I
Room Rent/ICU charges, Medical practitioners, surgeon, anesthetists, consultants, specialists fees and other charges as per limits mentioned in the policy.
12 Modern treatments like Robotic surgery, oral chemotherapies, immunotherapies and etc., are now covered in the policy.
Treatment for morbid obesity are now covered after specified waiting periods. (refer policy for complete details)
Correction of eyesight, i.e., refractive errors above -7.5 D are now covered after specified waiting periods.
Treatment related to participation as a non-professional in hazardous or adventure sports subject sublimit.
Mental illness, HIV/AIDS, Genetic disorders are now covered.

Section II and Section III
Cover for Insured persons sustaining any bodily injury/death resulting solely and directly from Accident caused by external violent and visible means.


Section I
Only accidental claims payable for first 30 days of Inception of the Policy
All pre-existing diseases excluded for first thirty six (36) months of Policy.
Two Years waiting period for specific diseases (Refer Prospectus)
Change-of-Gender Treatments, Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery, Excluded Providers
Vitamins, Tonics Drug/alcohol abuse, Self-Inflicted Injury
Non Prescription Drug, Home visit charges
Dental treatment and Out Patient Department treatment (OPD treatment)

Section II and III
Any claim arising out of pre-existing disability
Any payment in respect of death of the insured
From intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide
Insured under influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs
Insured engaging in dangerous occupation or activities.
Venereal disease or insanity
Arising out of any breach of the law
Claim arising out of war, nuclear risks etc.
