Loan Protection
Loan Care
When Life Throws You A Curve Ball, A Loan Covers All The Bases
Loans are supposed to make life easier for you. As you strive (sometimes stumble) to reach every milestone in your life, loans can make things a wee bit simpler. Don't worry about the naysayers who scoff at your decision to ask for a little help. With this policy, we make sure that the loans that you take don't tarnish the memories you make.
You'll Get Cover For
Roadside Assistance Cover
Key Loss Cover
PA For Unnamed Passenger
Legal Liability to Paid Driver
PA to Paid Driver
Consumables Cover
Passenger Assistance Cover
Protection of NCB
Engine And Gearbox Protection
Return To Invoice
Tyre Protect Cover
Compulsory PA Cover for Owner Driver
Loss of Personal Belongings
Zero Depreciation Cover