This Plan offers a comprehensive solution to fund the gratuity liability in a cost-effective manner and also avail applicable tax benefits.
Shriram Life New Group Gratuity
Shriram Life New Group Gratuity a unit linked, non-participating group insurance plan that offers a comprehensive solution to fund the gratuity liability in a cost-effective manner and also avail applicable tax benefits.
1. Absolute transparency.
2. Choice of unit linked funds.
3. Switching option between the funds.
4. Premium redirection.
5. Optional life insurance cover.
6. Assistance with annual actuarial valuation of the Gratuity liabilities.
Insurance Benefits
The insurance benefits shall be paid within one month of receipt of the valid claim forms from the policyholder to the nominee directly by SLIC. However, the policyholder shall be required to assist SLIC in reaching and payment of benefits to the nominee.
Death Benefits
Lump sum life insurance cover opted along with the gratuity benefit as per the Group policy holder's scheme rules shall be payable in the event of death of the member. The gratuity payment liability of Shriram Life is limited to the policy holder's fund value.
Payment of gratuity benefits :
The gratuity benefits shall be paid out of the policyholders' unit fund as and when the policyholder requests for payment.
Lump sum life insurance cover opted along with the gratuity benefit as per the Group policy holder's scheme rules shall be payable in the event of death of the member. The gratuity payment liability of Shriram Life is limited to the policy holder's fund value.