Health Insurance Plans
Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans

LIC's Cancer Cover

LIC Cancer Cover provides protection in case of Early Stage and Major Stage Cancer.


LIC's Cancer Cover is a regular premium payment health insurance plan which provides financial protection in case the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the specified Early and/or Major Stage Cancer during the policy term.

The plan offers two benefit options wherein you have the flexibility to choose the type of Sum Insured at the inception.

Option I Level Sum Insured: The Basic Sum Insured shall remain unchanged throughout the policy term.

Option II Increasing Sum Insured: The Sum Insured increases by 10% of Basic Sum Insured each year for first five years starting from the first policy anniversary or until the diagnosis of first event of Cancer, whichever is earlier. On diagnosis of any specified Cancer as mentioned in Para 1, all the claims shall be based on the Increased Sum Insured at the policy anniversary coinciding or prior to the diagnosis of the first claim and further increases to this Sum Insured will not be applicable.

The benefits payable under the plan shall be based on the Applicable Sum Insured, where the Applicable Sum Insured shall be equal to-

1. The Basic Sum Insured for policies taken under Option I; or
2. Basic Sum Insured during first year and Increased Sum Insured thereafter, as per the provisions detailed in Option II.

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