SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Health Insurance Plans
Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans

Corona Rakshak Policy

Individual, Non-linked, Non-participating, Health Insurance, Pure Risk Premium product.


Corona Rakshak Policy, SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

"Add Immunity to your Finances"
1. Simplified issuance with no medical examination.
2. Easy payout

Individual, Non-linked, Non-participating, Health Insurance, Pure Risk Premium product

Will you be prepared when the unexpected happens?
Avail the benefits of Corona Rakshak Policy, SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
This Plan Provides -
1. Simplicity - by providing easy enrolment and payout process
2. Security - lumpsum payout
3. Flexibility - Choose your policy term from 3.5 months (105 days), 6.5 months (195 days) or 9.5 months (285 days).
4. Affordability - through reasonable premium

Try our premium calculator below and let us help you prepare to defeat corona.


1. Health Insurance
2. Corona Rakshak Policy
3. Protection Plan

Features & Advantages

1. 100% lumpsum pay-out benefit of Sum Insured.
2. Simplified issuance with no medical examination.
3. Choose your policy term from 3.5 months (105 days), 6.5 months (195 days) or 9.5 months (285 days).
4. Cover starts with a Minimum Premium of Rs 156.50 and up to Maximum Premium of Rs 2,230.

1. Easy and hassle free issuance process
2. Claim payouts are independent of the nature/ amount of expenses incurred

1. Choose your policy term from 3.5 months (105 days), 6.5 months (195 days) or 9.5 months (285 days).

1. Ensure your financial security through lump sum payout

1. A perfect fit in your financial planning with reasonable premium

Plan Benefits

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