New India
Rural Insurance Policies
Rural Insurance Policies

Dog Insurance

Dogs in the age group of 8 weeks to 8 years are insured. Dogs of indigenous origin, cross-bred and exotic breeds are covered under the scheme.


Dogs in the age group of 8 weeks to 8 years are insured.

Dogs of indigenous origin, cross-bred and exotic breeds are covered under the scheme.

Valuation to be done by qualified Veterinary Doctor at the time of proposing the insurance.

Insured dogs must be suitably identified by one of the following methods :
Nose Print

Normal identification marks and breed, sex, age etc., should be clearly described in the Veterinary Certificate. Cost of identifications is to be borne by Insured only.

Detailed pedigree record, kennel club record should be submitted along with Vet. Certificate.

The basic premium rate is 5 % of sum insured.

Insurance Coverage
Dogs are insured against death due to accident and/or diseases contracted during the period of insurance subject to usual terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy.

Major Exclusions

Common Exclusions : As per Cattle Insurance

Specific Exclusions :
Death due to diseases such as Distemper, Rabies, Viral Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Viral enteritis. These diseases are covered only if the dogs have been successfully vaccinated and a Veterinary Certificate to that effect is produced.

Diseases contracted prior to and within 15 days of commencement of risk.

Transport, show risk, breeding and whelping risk, third party personal injury unless additional premium is paid

Company to bear 80% of the claim amount and Insured to bear 20% of the claim amount which would be ascertained on the basis of Market Value as certified by Veterinary Doctor or Insured Value whichever is less.

Documents to Effect Insurance

Proposal Form

Veterinary Health Certificate from a qualified Veterinarian.

Kennel Club certificate/ Photograph/tattooing.

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