Public Liability
Public Liability

Public Liability - Act

Under public liability insurance Act 1991 all companies/ individual/ persons owning/ dealing hazardous goods are required to take insurance policy satisfying the limits specified in the Act.


Under public liability insurance Act 1991 all companies/ individual/ persons owning/ dealing hazardous goods are required to take insurance policy satisfying the limits specified in the Act.
Under PLI Act the owners fault or negligence causing up to 12,500/-


1. Fatal Rs. 25000/- per person + Medical expenses up to Rs. 12500/-

2. Injury percentage of disability per person + medical expenses Rs. 12500/- TPD Rs. 25000/-.

3. Loss of earning maximum 1000/- P.M. only if hospitalized for more than three days.

4. Property damage Rs. 6000/-

Workmen of the Employer insured are excluded from compensation under the Act. Hazardous goods will be defined and notified by the Central Govt. from time to time in terms of name and quality. At present the list (which is indicative and note exhaustive) is as per schedule.

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