Shriram Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
Regular Term Plans
Regular Term Plans

Shriram Life Comprehensive Cancer Care

Shriram Life Comprehensive Cancer Care Plan is a non-linked non-participating protection plan. We work hard to provide the best to our family and aspire to improve our life style.


Shriram Life Comprehensive Cancer Care

Shriram Life Comprehensive Cancer Care Plan is a non-linked non-participating protection plan.
We work hard to provide the best to our family and aspire to improve our life style. We save money for future liabilities like higher education, marriage and others.

Sometimes uncertainties in family may have financial and emotional impact and needs special arrangements to deal with it.
With increase in diagnosis of cancer now-a-days, it is taking a toll on the financial stability of families. Uncertainties' like Cancer today has greater chances of treatment with advancement in medical treatments.
While you take care of your family member Shriram Life provides you the financial aid to ensure that there is no limitation of funds.

1. Easy and convenient process to avail comprehensive cancer cover

2. In addition, a monthly income benefit of 2% of the sum assured from the date of critical stage cancer for a period of 5 years if Option 2 is chosen

3. Fixed Benefit on diagnosis of Cancer

a. Initial Stage: 25% of the Sum Assured on diagnosis of Initial Stage Cancer

b. Critical Stage: 100% of Sum Assured (less payments made if any for Initial Stage Cancer) on diagnosis of Critical Stage of Cancer.


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