Care Health
Health Insurance Plans
Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans


Our Family Health Insurance Plan 'Care' helps safeguard you and your family against financial risks arising out of a medical emergency.


Family Health Insurance Overview

Our Philosophy

Life is about experiencing every good bit of it throughout one's lifetime; be it a walk in the park with your parents or building memories of playing with your little one. At Care Health Insurance (formerly known as Religare Health Insurance Company Limited), we understand that these experiences can be truly rejoiced when one lives a healthy life without having to worry about any unforeseen medical issues.

Our Solutions

Our Family Health Insurance Plan 'Care' helps safeguard you and your family against financial risks arising out of a medical emergency. With 'Care' by your side, you can be assured that while you're unwell; we'll take up all the hassles related to your treatment so that you can stay worry-free and focus only on your recovery.

Comprehensive Family Health Insurance Plan
Care Coverage

A comprehensive family health insurance plan to meet everyone's healthcare needs.

In-Patient Care

Pre & Post Hospitalization

Individual & Floater Cover

Domiciliary Hospitalization

Daily Allowance

Ambulance Cover

Organ Donor Cover

Lifelong Renewability

Annual Health-Checkup

No Claim Bonus

Second Opinion

Tax Benefit

From Diagnosis to Recovery - Care at every step!

We understand that the meter doesn't start from hospitalization but from the time of diagnosis and goes on even post discharge. We stand with you throughout the journey and not just for an event.

30 Day Pre-Hospitalization Coverage

The procedures that you undergo before getting hospitalized finally lead you to a hospital, such as investigative tests and routine medication, can be quite financially draining. We cover the medical expenses incurred by you up to 30 days before your hospitalization.

Ambulance Cover

It's our utmost concern that you get the medical attention, you require as soon as possible, especially in an emergency. Which is why, we reimburse expenses incurred by you while availing a domestic road ambulance during your hospitalization. Not just this, some plans of our product care also offers coverage for availing an Air Ambulance if suggested by a doctor.

In-Patient Hospitalization
Hospitalization for at least 24 hours

We pay for room charges, nursing expenses and intensive care unit charges, surgeon's fee, doctor's fee, anesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theater charges, etc. If you are admitted to a hospital for in-patient care, for a minimum period of 24 consecutive hours.

Hospitalization less than 24 Hours

We cover medical expenses if you undergo a day care treatment which might not require you to stay hospitalized for 24 hours or more. As a matter of fact we cover over 540+ day care procedures.

Room Rent

We reimburse every expense occurred while you're staying in single or private room. You can also upgrade your room should there be a need to and is recommended by a treating doctor.

ICU Charges:

In time of an emergency we believe your focus should be only on your recovery. Hence we take care of those ICU charges that come in your way of getting a quality treatment.

60-Day Post Hospitalization Coverage

Expenses don't end once you're discharged which is why even we don't rest unless you're completely ready to take all the challenges of life head on. We reimburse expenses such as doctor consultations, Diagnostic tests, medications etc. that you incur up to 60 days post your hospitalization.

Domiciliary Hospitalization

In case of an emergency or a medical condition that does not allow you to get admitted in a hospital, we provide coverage for medical expenses incurred during your treatment at home for a period exceeding 3 consecutive days. So nothing should delay the treatment you deserve.

Annual Health Check-up

We believe in the old adage that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. This is why we give an Annual Health Check-up for yourself and all members covered by your policy, including children.

Automatic Recharge of Sum Insured

Keep your worries regarding medical expenses outside the door with Automatic Recharge of Sum insured. If you ever run out of your health cover due to claims made, we will reinstate the entire Sum Insured amount of your policy. This additional amount can be used by you for any other ailment or by any other insured member for treatment of any ailment.

No-Claim Bonus

We raise a cheer to good health for every year that you don't claim by increasing your Sum Insured by 10%, up to a maximum of 50% in consecutive 5 years.

Organ Donor Cover

We care about those who help you as much as we care for you. So, beyond ensuring that your medical needs are met, we will reimburse you for medical expenses that are incurred by an organ donor while undergoing the organ transplant surgery.

Reassurance of Second Opinion

Sometimes reassurance works better than the cure itself. Which is why if, at any moment you feel uncertain about your diagnosis, you can opt for a second opinion at no extra cost specially arranged by us.

No Upper Age Limit of Enrollment

All our plans including 'care', come with no upper age limit of enrollment i.e. even if a person is 100 years old, they can definitely apply.

Lifelong Renewability

We don't leave you in between the journey and honor our commitment by giving our customers option of lifelong renewability i.e. once enrolled an individual can continue to stay covered throughout one's life, provided they renew their policy on time every year.

Even alternate treatments are covered

We understand that sometimes non-allopathic treatments may prove to be more effective. Whether it is Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha or Homeopathy, choose the treatment that suits you and we will cover it up to a specified limit and varies according to the plan chosen.

Add On Covers with Family Health Insurance Plan

No Claim Bonus Super

By choosing an optional cover NCB Super you can further increase your sum insured amount by 50% for every claim free year up to a maximum of 100%. Hence in total with both NCB & NCB Super one can increase their sum insured up to 150% in 5 years.

Everyday Care
Your family may avoid hospitalization for many years at a stretch. However, you have to be really fortunate to avoid doctor consultation for even a few months. For all the visits for all routine visits to the hospital - we give you 1% of your Sum Insured for doctor consultation & diagnostic tests each. This can be availed via a cashless health card and additional premium paid to avail this add- on cover is also applicable for tax benefit under section 80D of IT act.

Unlimited Automatic Recharge

There should never be a time when you run out of coverage, which is why by selecting this add on cover your sum insured amount if re-instated in your policy every time your sum insured exhausts. And this can be availed unlimited number of times.

Air Ambulance Cover

The right cure may be miles away but never out of your reach with Air Ambulance Cover. For all those times when you might be recommended a treatment which is not in your city of stay.

Personal Accident Cover

Forget the hassles of maintaining two separate policies, one for a health insurance cover & second for personal accident cover. By selecting this add- on cover you get coverage for Accidental Death and Permanent Total Disability for up to 10 times of the Sum Insured opted.

International Second Opinion

We believe that sometimes reassurance works better than the cure itself. Hence before going ahead with the treatment recommended, we give you an option to consult doctors and take a second opinion.

Global Coverage

Quality Healthcare cannot have boundaries. So if you ever feel the need get treated at an overseas facility, rest assured, since with this add-on cover you get Global Coverage that too on a cashless basis across listed network hospitals.

Policy Terms

Minimum entry age- 91 days

Maximum age- No age bar

Renewal - Lifelong Renewability. The Policy can be renewed under the then prevailing
Health Insurance Product or its nearest substitute approved by IRDA.

Renewal premium- Premium payable on renewal and on subsequent continuation of cover arc subject to change with prior approval from IRDA.

Co-payment- No Co-payment in policy, if age of the eldest member insured with us at the time of first policy is below 61 years. 20% Co-payment will be applicable in policy, if age of the eldest member insured with us at the time of first policy is 61 years or above 61 years i.e. you will have to pay 20% of the claim amount under the policy, if any. We pay the rest.

Waiting period- 30 days for any illness except injury

Waiting period for pre-existing illnesses- Four years of continuous coverage

Change in sum insured- You can enhance your sum insured under the policy only upon renewal

Grace period- 30 days from the date of expiry to renew the policy

The standard policy exclusions are -

Any diagnosis of diseases / undergoing of surgery / occurrence of event, whose signs or symptoms first occur within 30 days of Policy Period Start date.

Expenses attributable to self-inflicted injury (resulting from suicide, attempted suicide)

Expenses arising out of or attributable to alcohol or drug use/misuse/abuse

Medical expenses incurred for treatment of AIDS

Treatment arising from or traceable to pregnancy and childbirth, miscarriage, abortion and its consequences

Congenital disease

Tests and treatment relating to infertility and in vitro fertilization.

War, riot, strike, nuclear weapons induced hospitalization.

Product Features

Day Care Treatments

Indemnify for the Medical Expenses

We indemnify for the Medical Expenses if the Insured Person undergo a Day Care Treatment as specified in Annexure - I at a Hospital or a Day Care Centre that requires Hospitalization for less than 24 hours.


60-Day Post- Hospitalization Coverage

Expenses don't end once you're discharged which is why even we don't rest unless you're completely ready to take all the challenges of life head on. We reimburse expenses such as doctor consultations, Diagnostic tests, medications etc that you incur up to 60 days post your hospitalization.


30 Day Pre-Hospitalization Coverage

The procedures that you undergo before getting hospitalized finally lead you to a hospital, such as investigative tests and routine medication, can be quite financially draining. We cover the medical expenses incurred by you up to 30 days before your hospitalization.

Ambulance Charge

Ambulance Cover

It's our utmost concern that you get the medical attention, you require as soon as possible, especially in an emergency. Which is why, we reimburse expenses incurred by you while availing a domestic road ambulance during your hospitalization. Not just this, some plans of our product care also offers coverage for availing an Air Ambulance if suggested by a doctor.

Eye & Dental Covers

Organ Donor Cover

We care about those who help you as much as we care for you. So, beyond ensuring that your medical needs are met, we will reimburse you for medical expenses that are incurred by an organ donor while undergoing the organ transplant surgery.

Health Checkups

Annual Health Check-up

We believe in the old adage that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. This is why we give an Annual Health Check-up for yourself and all members covered by your policy, including children.

Hospital Room Eligibility

Room Rent

We reimburse every expense occurred while you're staying in single or private room. You can also upgrade your room should there be a need to and is recommended by a treating doctor.

Bonus on No Claim

No Claim Bonus Super

By choosing an optional cover – NCB Super – you can further increase your sum insured amount by 50% for every claim free year up to a maximum of 100%. Hence – in total with both NCB & NCB Super one can increase their sum insured up to 150% in 5 years.

Domiciliary Hospitalization

Exceeding 3 consecutive days

In case of an emergency or a medical condition that does not allow you to get admitted in a hospital, we provide coverage for medical expenses incurred during your treatment at home for a period exceeding 3 consecutive days. So nothing should delay the treatment you deserve.

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