
FAQs are designed specifically for you and enable you to get the answers to all the insurance-related queries or questions asked more frequently by us.


Will I Be Qualified For Tax Benefits In The Event That I Purchase Health Care Coverage?

Yes! Purchasing medical coverage will procure you the qualification to guarantee tax breaks under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

What Are The Normal Inclusion Benefits Under My Health Care Coverage?

Medical coverage benefits vary from one arrangement to another. In any case, essential health care coverage benefits incorporate cover for an inpatient hospitalization, pre and post hospitalization, childcare systems, crisis rescue vehicle costs, organ benefactor costs, domiciliary hospitalization, OPD costs, and that's just the beginning.

Would I Be Able To Pay My Health Care Coverage Charge In Portions?

As a rule, the medical coverage expense is paid consistently. Yet, you can pay your premium in portions (month to month, quarterly or half-yearly premise) also.

What Are The Sorts Of Health Care Coverage Plans I Can Purchase?

You can purchase Individual Health Insurance Plan, Family Floater Health Insurance Plan, Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan, Critical Illness Insurance Plan, Maternity Health Insurance Plan, Group Health Insurance Plan, Personal Accident Insurance Plan.

What Isn't Covered By A Family Health Insurance Policy?

The following are not covered by your family's health insurance plan:

1.The family health insurance plans do not cover some pre-existing diseases.
2. Cosmetic procedures are not covered by family health insurance plans.
3. Some medical disorders are only covered after a 2- to 3-year waiting period under a family health insurance plan.
4. Call our number or send us an email to learn more about the exclusions of a family health insurance policy.

What Happens If My Policy's Sum Insured Is Depleted?

A family floater health insurance plan provides a single sum insured for all members of the family. If you use up the entire sum insured on most policies, you won't be able to make any more claims during the policy period.

However, certain plans include a function known as reinstatement for our customers. If you use this feature, your policy's cover amount will be returned to its original value if you use up the total sum insured within the policy's term. Would you like to learn more about reinstatement? Just give us a call, and one of our customer service representatives will be pleased to assist you!

Who Should Consider Purchasing A Family Medical Insurance Policy?

All types of households can benefit from family health insurance. You may cover the appropriate number of loved ones under the safety blanket of one family floater health insurance policy, whether you are a young couple or have a joint family.

Which Member Of My Family Can I Cover?

You, your spouse, dependent children, and parents, as well as other blood relatives and in-laws, are covered under the family floater health insurance policy.

Why Is It Vital To Have A Family Medical Insurance Policy?

Family is everything, and we must do everything we can to shield our loved ones from the calamities of life. In this case, a family health insurance policy might be really beneficial! It safeguards you and your family from escalating healthcare costs and ensures that medical emergencies do not deplete your hard-earned money.

Most significantly, having a family medical insurance policy helps you and your family to concentrate on getting healthier rather than worrying about medical expenditures.

What Do You Mean By "Family Floater Policy"?

A family floater health insurance coverage allows you to ensure your complete family under one policy and pay a single annual price.

This policy's sum insured is split among the policyholders' family members and can be used to pay for hospital bills and other medical expenses.
