Bajaj Allianz
Private Car Insurance
Private Car Comprehensive Insurance

Car Insurance Online

Car Insurance is a contract you and your insurer enter into, to protect you from financial damages caused by unforeseeable circumstances like accidents, theft, and even natural calamities.


Car Insurance Online


Car Insurance is a contract you and your insurer enter into, to protect you from financial damages caused by unforeseeable circumstances like accidents, theft, and even natural calamities. The Government of India has made it mandatory for all car owners to have a third-party car insurance policy. This policy covers the damages caused to life and property of individuals, other than you, affected by an accident your car unfortunately becomes a part of. The other most common form of insurance is Comprehensive Car Insurance. It helps you cover majority of the liabilities you might attract if your car gets damaged in a social unrest, natural calamity, or even gets stolen in a case of theft.
As a car owner, it is important for you to have the right car insurance policy. When searching for car insurance online, make sure you completely understand the nature and terms & conditions of the policy. Bajaj Allianz Team is here to help you navigate the journey of having our own car insurance with a seamless process.


Buying a car is one thing and maintaining it is something that is completely different. The roads are some of the most uncertain places, where negligence, ignorance, carelessness or just sheer bad luck can bring about a lot of consequences to you and your car.

And as a car owner, these consequences do cost you a lot. From a small dent on the trunk to major accidents and natural disasters, a car on the road is subjected to diverse threats on a daily basis. Moreover, money is involved in every stage of the car's recovery and safety. That's why a car insurance policy becomes inevitable in today's day and age.

If you haven't taken four wheeler insurance for your car yet or if you've just bought a new car and are looking for a car insurance policy, here are some extensive reasons you should get one today.

Covers Expenses On Own Damage
Apart from accidents, cars can be damaged due to natural disasters, natural instances or their own technical glitches and malfunctions. Regardless of the reason, expenses are involved in getting the car serviced. That's why it's ideal to buy a car insurance as it covers damages arising due to uncommon reasons.

Third-party Liabilities
A car is a machine that is subjected to technical issues. A car gone out of control is a threat to civilians and public properties. If there has been an accident with you on the driver's seat, you are bound to compensate for the damages caused. If you have a car insurance policy, your insurance company would take care of the expenses.

Personal Accidents
Having a four wheeler insurance is like driving with a lifeguard. There is a backup you have to cover the expenses incurred due to car accidents. A proper car insurance policy also compensates for permanent disability arising due to a car accident. This is an ideal financial support that is inevitable for families.

Mandatory By Law
If you are a car owner, you should mandatorily have a minimum of a third-party car insurance according to the Motor Vehicles Act. Failing to have is an offence and you could be penalized for it when caught.

Extended Benefits with Add-ons
Apart from the benefits you just saw, you could include add-on benefits such as zero depreciation cover, consumables cover, breakdown assistance, conveyance benefits and more when you buy car insurance. This only makes your policy more airtight.

Additional Convenience
An extensive online four wheeler insurance policy also allows you to experience benefits like coverage of personal baggage theft/damage, paperless-digital insurance applications and processing, online claims, spot services and more.

You can satisfy your need for speed without worry!


When you buy car insurance online, ensure you have the soft copies of the following documents in hand to seamlessly complete the process in minutes -

Details about your vehicle including registration number
A valid driver's license
Completed claim form
Bank details
Tax receipts
Filled insurance forms


Add-Ons Are Additional Features Or Benefits You Add To Your Car Insurance To Make It More Extensive And Airtight. The Add-On Covers You Add Only Decrease Any Financial Burden You Are Likely To Incur At The Event Of An Accident Or A Calamity. At The Same Time, The More The Add-Ons You Include In Your Policy, The Higher The Premium You Have To Pay. For The Most Ideal Four Wheeler Insurance, We Recommend You Adding Features That Are Value Additions To Your Policy. Let's Look At Some Of The Add-Ons We Offer.

Zero Depreciation
Also known as bumper to bumper cover, this is an add-on you could add to your comprehensive car insurance policy. To understand what zero depreciation is, let's first look at depreciation.

Cars are highly valuable until you purchase. From the time you purchase, your car is subjected to depreciation, which means that it is losing its value in the market as it gets older. Not just the car but the spare parts powering your car as well. That is why older cars have a low pricing in the market than their recently-purchased counterparts.

With the zero depreciation add-on, what you are basically doing is nullifying the depreciation associated with your car. This means that your car, technically, does not lose value in the market as the depreciation of your car is not considered by your insurer.

So, when you claim your insurance, you receive full value for your car and all of its spare parts. Bumper to bumper cover incurs the most expensive premium and is worth every penny shelled. We highly recommend this add-on especially if your car is less than 5 years old.


Depreciation shield for the car Depreciation shield for the spare parts
Engine Protector Engine is one of the most crucial parts of a car. Unfortunately, however, the expenses you incur on the damages to your car's engine is not covered under standard car insurance policies.

Engine Protector
Engine is one of the most crucial parts of a car. Unfortunately, however, the expenses you incur on the damages to your car's engine is not covered under standard car insurance policies. Being one of the most expensive parts for servicing, you end up spending more to recover your car's engine from a malfunction or an accident.

That's why the engine protector add-on is the most ideal solution to feature in your insurance policy. It covers expenses arising due to water ingression, oil leakage, hydrostatic lock and more. This helps you save up to 40% of the amount you would spend on getting your car's engine fixed.


Protection against damages to engine and engine parts Protection against damages to differential parts Protection against damages to gear box and gear box parts

24/7 Spot Assistance
One of the most helpful add-ons for your car insurance, this ensures you are never stranded on the road due to any concern associated with your car. Our team is just a call or a click away to assist you or get to you to help you deal with a car situation regardless of where you are stuck in India.

So, no matter if you have to get a tire changed, or have an expert look into your car's engine or need assistance in settling an accident, you can reach out to us at any time and we will be there by your side in a very short duration.


Pan India Coverage Spot Assistance for diverse car situations

Key And Lock Replacement
Car keys are some of the most misplaced items in the world. From forgetting them at a restaurant to losing them at your own home, car keys are easily overlooked. Sadly, there are expenses involved in getting new keys for your cars as it's not just the key that has to be replaced but the entire locking system as well.

That's why this add-on is here to reduce the expenses you are likely to incur because of misplaced or lost keys. We take care of the entire purchasing and replacing of your car's lock and keys.


Expense coverage on key replacement Expense coverage on lock replacement

Consumable Expenses
Like we said, buying a car and maintaining a car are two different things. There are frequent expenses involved when it comes to the maintenance of your car. From servicing spare parts to replacing them, there are expenses surrounding your car all the time. And we are not even talking about the different types of car oils that need to be changed every now and then and during an accident.

With the consumable expenses coverage, you can let us take care of the expenses involved in the use of consumables for your car at the time of servicing or post-accident.


Consumables expenses involving

Personal Baggage
A car is your personal and private safe where you leave your belongings inside until your work outside is done. From laptops and expensive gadgets to money or money's worth of valuables, you keep materials inside your car very frequently.

But this is not without its threat, where it is subjected to instances like thefts and burglaries especially when you leave your car in less populated avenues or remote places. That's why the personal baggage add-on protects your personal belongings and covers the loss you incur because of damage or their theft from the car.


Indemnification for damage to personal baggage Indemnification for loss of personal baggage

Conveyance Benefit
Another highly convenient add-on, where we take care of the little yet significant concerns you are likely to face in your everyday life post an accident.

When your car is getting repaired in a garage and after your claim is accepted by us, this add-on ensures you get paid from us for your everyday commute. With this, you don't have to worry about burning a hole in your wallet for the daily cab or transportation charges you are likely to pay during your car's servicing.


Conveyance for your everyday commute


It is absolutely vital that you renew your expired four wheeler insurance as early as possible. Like we saw, the primary reason for this is to avoid legal complications as it is illegal to drive without a valid insurance policy.
Apart from this, there are two major reasons you should renew your car insurance immediately

To Avail Your No Claims Bonus

When you don't renew your policy, you will lose out on your no claims bonus you are eligible for. Your bonus accumulates over the years to fetch you good discounts and other benefits. If you don't renew, they would lapse.

Financial Burden

Without a car insurance policy, you should bear the financial burden that stems out of misfortunes like accidents or damages to your car. You will have to pay from your savings or pocket for the recovery of your car. To prevent financial burden of any sorts, renewing four wheeler insurance is highly recommended.

You can renew car insurance online seamlessly.


01.Loss due to natural calamities
We may not have the power to prevent them but we will cover your car against naturally occurring calamities such as fire, explosion, self-ignition or lightning,

02.Loss Due to Man-Made Calamities
Man-made calamities reveal the dark side of humanity but we will help lessen the blow by covering your car against burglary, theft, riot, strike, malicious act,

03.Personal Accident Cover
Your car is precious, yes, but so are you. The Personal Accident cover provides coverage of Rs 15 lakh to the owner-driver of the car while driving or travelling and while mounting or dismounting.

04.Third Party Legal Liability
If you happen to be involved in an accident that results in damage to property or loss of life of a third party individual, we help you cover the legal obligations arising from it.

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