New India
Property Insurance
Property Insurance

Neon Sign Insurance

Insurance in respect of loss or damage to the neon sign installation.


Insurance in respect of loss or damage to the neon sign installation.

Covers loss or damage to the neon sign installation by

Accidental external means

Fire, lightning, external explosion and theft

Fusing or burning out of any bulbs/tubes arising from short circuiting or arcing or any other mechanical or electrical defect or breakdown

Repair, cleaning, removal or erection, wear and tear, depreciation or deterioration

Damage to tubes unless the glass in fractured

Over running, over heating or strain

Atmospheric conditions

War and kindred perils

Natural risks

Consequential loss

Special Condition
Insured neon sign must be examined and inspected at regular intervals of not longer than 6 months by a qualified electrician or engineer.

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