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Truck Insurance Policy Online: Why You Should Have This?

Published on image 08-Apr-2024

Whether you're a truck driver hitting the road or a business owner sending out goods, having truck insurance is super important. It's like a big shield that protects you from unexpected problems like accidents, theft, and other damages.

For drivers, it means you can relax a bit knowing you're covered during long drives. And for business owners, it keeps your goods safe and your supply chain running smoothly. So, whether you're driving or managing, a vehicle insurance policy is a must-have for a safe and worry-free journey.

What is Truck Insurance?

Truck insurance India is a type of coverage designed to protect trucks and their drivers from financial losses in case of accidents, theft, or damage. It helps cover repair costs for the truck and any other vehicles involved, as well as other medical expenses for injuries. This insurance policy is essential for owners and companies to ensure they're financially protected on the road.

Types of Truck Insurance Policy in India?

1. Third-Party Truck Insurance

Third-party insurance is the basic type of coverage required by law in India. It covers damages or injuries caused to third parties (people or property) by your truck. Here's what it includes:

Liability Coverage: If your truck causes an accident leading to injury or property damage to someone else, this coverage helps pay for their medical bills or property repair costs.

Legal Expenses: It covers legal fees if a third party sues you due to an accident involving your truck.

Mandatory Requirement: Third-party insurance is mandatory by law for all vehicles in India. It ensures that if your truck causes harm to others, there's financial support available.

2. Comprehensive Truck Insurance

Compared to third-party insurance, comprehensive insurance offers a more broader coverage. It not only covers third-party liabilities but also offers other benefits like:

Own Damage Coverage: This includes damages to your truck due to accidents, fire, theft, vandalism, or natural calamities like floods or earthquakes.

Add-Ons: You can enhance your comprehensive policy with add-ons for extra security.

Flexible Coverage: While third-party insurance is mandatory, comprehensive insurance is optional but highly recommended. This happens because it provides comprehensive protection for your truck and yourself.
Want to know which insurance is best for you? Contact us today for a quote from various insurance companies like Digit Insurance and buy truck insurance online. Drive confidently and leave the rest to us!

Why do you need Commercial Truck Insurance?

Business Protection

Commercial truck insurance provides 360 protection for your valuable business assets. If your truck is involved in an accident or causes damage to someone else's property, truck business insurance coverage helps to quickly repair or replace damaged vehicles and manage other expenses.

This includes covering medical expenses for injured parties and addressing any legal liabilities which allows your business to continue operating smoothly. Thus, these expenses may potentially bankrupt your business if you don't have an insurance policy.

Legal Requirement

Commercial truck insurance is required by law in most places. Just like you need car insurance to drive a personal vehicle, this insurance is necessary to operate a commercial truck legally on the road. Without it, you could face fines, penalties, license suspensions, or even have your truck taken off the road.

Feeling Secure

Knowing you have insurance for your truck can make you feel less worried. You don't have to stress as much about what might happen if something goes wrong. It's like having a safety net to catch you if things don't go as planned, so you can focus on your work without thinking too much.

How much does Truck Insurance Cost in India?

Truck insurance price in India can be different for people based on factors like the type of truck, coverage needed, and insurer. On average, annual premiums for heavy vehicle insurance can range from ₹15,000 to ₹50,000 or more.

However, specific rates depend on various aspects such as the truck's model, usage, and driver's experience, among others. It's advisable to compare prices and find what's best for you.

Compare quotes from different insurance providers to find the best coverage on Policy.Online at a reasonable price.

How to do Truck Insurance Renewal Online?

Choose an Insurance Provider: Explore various insurance companies online and choose a trusted provider like Policy.Online. Look for a section specifically for renewals and click on it.

Vehicle Details: Enter relevant details like policy number, insurance provider, and others for policy renewal. Then, click on the submit option to move further.

Renewal Plan: Choose a renewal plan that will suit your budget and needs. Make sure to review everything carefully.

Make Payment: Once you're satisfied, proceed to make the payment. You can choose from multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, digital wallets, etc.

Receive Confirmation: After successful payment, you'll receive a confirmation of your policy renewal via email or SMS.

Print or Save Documents: Print a copy of your renewed insurance policy documents or save them digitally for future reference.


Commercial vehicle insurance is super important for truck drivers, owners, and companies. Knowing what risks you face can help you pick the right insurance. That's why with the proper protection, truck drivers can drive ahead confidently and be ready for whatever comes their way. Remember, having the best truck insurance online isn't just smart—it's essential for keeping your truck, business, and valuable assets safe and successful in the long run.